On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. The city immediately turned into a burning inferno and many people died instantly. Besides, many survivors later died or had been suffering after-effects.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park was built to wish that what happened on Hiroshima is never repeated. Whether or not to keep the Atomic Bomb Dome had been a controversial issue for a long time, because the dome reminds the survivors of the misery times back then. However, this nearly collapsed building was decided to retain because people believe that it can pass on the lessons of the tragedy to future generations.

There is a memorial monument to console the souls of the dead in the park. A book with the names of all the people who died resulting from the atomic bomb is placed inside. You can see the Atomic Bomb Dome behind this arch monument. The epitaph on the monument displays “Rest in peace, for the error shall not be repeated”.
Many people visit here for praying every day. Especially, every August 6th, when the atomic bomb was dropped, a large ceremony takes place in front of the monument.

Crane is a symbol of peace in Japan. People fold sheets of paper to make cranes with hopes of peace and healing. The Children’s Peace Monument that holds a wire crane at its top was modeled after a girl who was just 2 years old when the atomic bombing was dropped and died from leukemia 10 years later. This is a monument to mourn all the children who died from the atomic bomb. Cranes filled with peoples’ hopes are still delivered and displayed here.

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum was built in 1995 to convey the reality of the atomic bomb to people all over the world and to promote the total abolition of nuclear weapons and world peace.
The museum displays personal belongings left behind by the victims and photos depicting the atomic bomb disaster. Furthermore, you can watch video testimonials from the survivors in the video section.